M31 galaxy



Movers and Shakers of the world have strong astrological "assists" for success, good fortune, fame in how Jupiter, Pluto, Uranus and the Sun were positioned at their time of birth

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Resonance is the occurrence by which the nervous system of the fetus is in tune with (like antennae tune in with radio wave frequencies), or "phase locked" to specific cycles of the planets.

The outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto control the direction of the motions within the Sun which generates the solar magnetic field. These planets are an important influence on the movement of the Sun around the center of the solar system.


As the solar cycle intensifies, different configerations of planets at different stages effect the disruption in the Sun's magnetic field. This is due to the gravitational tidal tug of the planets on the hot gases in the Sun.

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