Planets in The Milky Way, our home galaxy



Children of natural birth tend to have the same planets prominent in the sky at birth as their parents.

The most significant relationships or "aspects" between planets on any day are to the Sun. The aspects on the day of your birth indicate your most basic goals.

The proverbial Fountain of Youth is symbolized in astrology by specific relationships or "aspects" between the Sun and planet Neptune on your birthdate.

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The Science

behind the Science

of Astrology:

Dr. Percy Seymour, Astronomer and Astrophysicist, Plymouth University, UK, proposed in his book: A Scientific Basis of Astrology (1997) that behavior of the individual at the time of birth is tied to cycles in the Earth's magnetic field which are influenced by the solar cycle and positions of the planets.

Planets effect the solar cycle.

Solar cycle effects the geomagnetic field.

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What is AstroPowerPulse?

AstroPowerPulse is customized astrological analysis as unique to you as your physical pulse.

AstroPowerPulse is not a computer generated compilation of generic astrological analyses applicable to any other person who shares your date of birth.

Tap into your personal AstroPowerPulse: learn your physical, mental and emotional predispositions, strengths and challenges. Use astrology as a beneficial tool to manifest your personal goals.

"A true knowledge of ourselves is knowledge of our power."
Mark Rutherford


Benefits of AstroPowerPulse

Your lifetime is a journey. You owe it to youself to travel the route that enriches your experience. Through AstroPowerPulse, you learn your individual strengths and areas of opportunity, understand areas of potential challenges and how to face them. AstroPowerPulse is a tool that can empower your sense of direction to better achieve personal growth and fulfillment in your journey.

Your personal astrologer Jenifer Rubloff reads your astrological pulse-your unique background information that is analyzed by several methods. Patterns for potential opportunities and challenges emerge. The outcome is an educated report that pertains to you as uniquely as your physical pulse.

As an individual with free will, your real time life experiences reflect or "actualize" your unique astrological symbolism in your unique way. The outcome of a stressful astrological "aspect" might manifest as a time of crowning achievement for one person, lethargy and disappointment for another.

Through ongoing monitoring of how your real life experiences relect your unique AstroPowerPulse, you should be more prepared to travel the hectic highways, daunting detours and scenic side roads in your special journey through life.

"Two roads diverged in a wood and I--

I took the one less traveled by,

And that made all the difference."
Robert Frost